<span class="numbers">3900</span> — Volume <span class="numbers">13</span>

3900 — Volume 13


The Centre du Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui supports the creation, production and distribution of French language works from Quebec and Canada. The Montréal institution, located on Saint-Denis Street, prints and distributes the 3900 magazine (in reference to its street address) free of charge. The hundred pages annual publication addresses the themes of the various shows presented at the theatre, converses with its artists and presents its craftspeople. We have been participating in this project for several editions now and, over time, we have developed a simple grid that gives us great freedom. The magazine’s overall mood evolves according to the current season and its themes. Eclectic and literary, our approach also varies following the illustrations and photographs provided by each edition’s contributors.


Centre du Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui


Creative Direction
Graphic Design


Charles-Étienne Bro­chu
Cécile Gariépy
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