The ‘22-‘23 season of the Théâtre de Quat’Sous marked a certain return to normal by unveiling a complete and uncompromising program, finally! After two years of great “pandemic” commotion, the season revolves around the theme of fiction. As Olivier Kemeid, the artistic director of the Theatre, puts it so well: “Fiction is invention.[…] It is imagination at the helm”. And this is something that the theatre allows. To celebrate this great comeback to the stage, we imagined a larger-than-life display by integrating the characters of the season’s different plays in the same setting. Fictions confront, collide and create an intriguing image together. These same characters are then staged separately to promote each of the season’s productions.
Graphic Design
Kelly Jacob
Béatrice Munn
Elyse Belmont-Stroh
Samuel Petitclerc
Tom Berthelot
Natasha Hernàndez Canett
David Perreira
Marianne Blais
Tristan Réhel
Vanessa Ashley