“Doing theater is an act of resistance”, this is the premise from which Olivier Kemeid, the Théâtre de Quat’Sous’ artistic director, created a theatrical season in the midst of a pandemic in the fall of 2020. A reduced gauge, an uncertain audience, security measures to be developed and the constant threat of a new wave were all parameters giving rise to more spontaneous and flexible programming… in the event of venues having to close. Facing so much adversity, it is the word RESISTANCE that we wanted to put forward. And because the season took shape as quickly as it could fade, the campaign uses only typography and colour to shape the programming.
Graphic Design
Matthieu Jeanson

In the fall of 2021, despite the pandemic still being a large part of our lives, a certain stability and confidence settled in. The decision was made to extend the season of resistance and to give it a new breath of life. If the typographic approach remains similar, we modified the colouring and above all, we added sensitive portraits of the artists photographed by Hamza Abouelouafaa.